Lofty Torrents
Overall: H. 78 1/4 in × W. 31 3/8 in (H. 198.8 cm × W. 79.7 cm)
Inscribed by the artist:
Waterfall splashes down from high cliffs. Ying Yeping in the spring of 1980.
This painting of water falling from a high cliff effectively captures the sight and sounds of rapidly moving currents as they crash through the rocks, creating a cloud of mist. The rugged surfaces of the rocks, with their angular outlines, are depicted with dry, rough strokes. The application of ink washes in layers gives them a sense of solidity and volume.
A native of Zhejiang province in eastern China, Ying Yeping became known at age sixteen as a painter of traditional landscapes in the Ming dynasty (1368û1644) style. Early in his career Ying came into contact with art schools and publishers in Shanghai, and his technique soon evolved to fit with the more adventurous styles practiced there. He was also exposed to Westernstyle paintings in Shanghai, and incorporated influences from them in his later works.