Sutra cover with five seated deities
In Himalayan cultures, Buddhist texts are written on long horizontal leaves, front and back, so as to facilitate the turning of the text from leaf to leaf during recitation. This type of sutra cover would have enclosed about three and a half inches of text within. Some of the finest sutra covers, such as this one, bear paintings that are mounted with brocade,as in a thangka painting;this is a rare example because of its intricate wood inlay. Five bodhisattvas-beings destined by vow to reach enlightenment-are shown seated on lotus thrones rising from waves strewn with precious offerings. A veritable pantheon of Himalayan bodhisattva-type deities, they are, from left to right:
• the bodhisattva Kshitigarbha holding his alarm staff with its jangly, loose rings;
• Manjushri,bodhisattva of wisdom (prajna) with his sword;
• Prajnaparamita, personification of Perfection of
Wisdom as a bodhisattva;
• Avalokiteshvara,bodhisattva of compassion (karuna);
• Maitreya,the Buddha of the Future.
- bodhisattva
- Manjushri
- Prajnaparamita
- Avalokiteshvara
- Maitreya
- Kshitigarbha