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A day of two Suns (2019)
A day of two Suns (2019)

A day of two Suns (2019)

Artist (Chinese, b. 1978, active in Vancouver and Hong Kong)
MaterialsInstallation with projected video, sound, paper scrolls, plywood sculptures, and found objects
DimensionsOverall: H. 99 1/4 in × W. 341 1/4 in × D. 252 in (252.1 cm × 866.8 cm × 640.1 cm)
Display (Duration): 30 minutes
Credit LineMuseum purchase, Frederick S. Whitman Trust Acquisition Fund
Object number2019.69
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A day of two Suns (2019) is an ensemble of plywood mountain sculptures and found objects staged around a large paper screen, upon which looping videos are projected on either side. These ever-shifting assemblages of faded, seemingly still videos, which depict panoramic sights in Hong Kong, reflect Lam Tung Pang’s memories of his home. Our bodies cast shadows upon the screen, as do the assorted objects —obscuring these memories and evoking a scattered recollection of the disappearing past. The materials, motifs, and overall composition all reference classical Chinese landscape painting, in which Lam was trained.

With its interplay of movement and stillness, the work captures a moment between two worlds. This immersive, dreamlike landscape invites us to experience a coexistent state of being within the intersection of light and dark, far and near, illusion and matter, past and present — alluding to the paradoxical reality of post-handover Hong Kong.

一日兩天(2019), 林東鵬 (1978年生,活躍於香港),2019年 裝置藝術,由投影視像、聲音、紙捲軸、木夾板雕塑及拾得物組成

《一日兩天(2019) 》 是由山形木夾板雕塑和拾得物構成的交互錄像裝置。大型橫幅紙製屏幕的正反兩面上是循環播放的投影,承托的材質與鏡頭的構圖展露出對中國古典山水繪畫的參照。這些錄像由如同定格和褪色的片段組成,以長卷般視野展現香港景致,映照林東鵬目光所及的家園。各種物件和觀眾走過投射到屏幕上的影子,是闖入風景中的不速之客,如同湧動實則靜止,在彼此的對望中成就介入或疊加,流逝或永恆。通過動態影像和靜態物體的互動,林東鵬試圖捕獲兩個時空之間的交匯瞬刻。身處在主權被移交廿載後的香港,這個城市的過去與未來仿佛都糾結於當下的困頓之中。當我們瀏覽作品時,我們也同樣置身於這明與暗,遠和近,現實或幻象,歸去來兮的交錯裡。