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Calligraphy in Semicursive Script (Xingshu)
Calligraphy in Semicursive Script (Xingshu)

Calligraphy in Semicursive Script (Xingshu)

Artist (Chinese, 1629 - 1683)
DynastyQing dynasty (1644 - 1911)
MaterialsInk on paper
DimensionsH. 9 1/8 in x W. 71 3/4 in H. 23.2 cm x W. 182.2 cm (image); H. 9 1/2 in, 24.1 cm (overall)
Credit LineThe Yeh Family Collection
Object number2012.70
DepartmentChinese Art
On View
Not on view
SignedSeal: Wancun 晚村 (朱文葫蘆形印); Lv Liuliang 呂留良 (白文方印)。
InscribedSection 1 惜花 陣陣飛紅點柳梢, 情多何計惜花嬌, 每逢雨後添愁句, 常向風前憶瘦條, 好事黃鶯啼往日, 癡心粉蝶倦今朝, 溪南亦有知音客, 拾得殘香過板橋。 Section 2 春去 薄幸東風滿樹頭, 好花狼籍倩誰收, 落紅影裏香初散, 啼鳥聲中恨未休, 隔歲重來原未杳, 今霄小住亦堪愁, 情知醉酒傷春客, 短詠長吟總倦遊。 Section 3 俠客行 不計姓名不計生與死, 燕市有時醉舞停酒卮。大叫肝膽無人知, 一朝忽得主人聘, 知己感深輕性命。白雲無光風颼颼, 寶刀出匣光射眸。疾如鷹隼凌高秋, 囊中已得仇人頭, 笑視主人報, 黃金同腐草, 擲還黃金別主人, 馬蹄又走邯鄲道。 Section 4 漫興 參透浮生一著先, 笑人勞碌度年年, 何須富貴方為福, 但得清閑便是僊, 一席琴尊供雅好, 半簾風月伴高眠。有時披讀桃源記, 雞犬桑麻在眼前。
More Information
Both Ye Gongchuo and his nephew Ye Gongchao were deeply involved in social issues and reform. Because this handscroll focuses on the difficulties encountered by people in various walks of life in China in the late 1600s, it must have had great appeal to them.

This work combines four earlier calligraphic works by Lu Liuliang with three more recent poems of his. Lu dedicated all to a friend met during his travels to "Wuling" (probably referring to Ganyu in northeast Jiangsu province). All seven pieces reveal an interest in current social issues. As a traveler, Lu had opportunities to directly observe people of all sorts in many parts of China. Here Lu chose four encounters with people from different social backgrounds.